
Donor Collections

The Pride Library collection relies exclusively on the generous donations of individuals, businesses and organizations. Without them, the collection would not be as diverse and rich as it now is.  The library has over 10,000 volumes, and the collection continues to grow. Browse the links below for information on some of the donor collections. If you are already a donor, and want to have your donations placed on the Donor Collections list, please contact the Pride Library. If you would like to donate to the Pride Library, please visit Donations. To find out what the library collects, visit Collection Policy.

Donate to the Pride Library

The library's existence and continuing work is made possible by the generosity of our supporters from Canada and around the world. Click here to make a cash gift using or contact our director Professor Miller at jmiller@uwo.ca or (519) 661-2111 x85828 for more information.

The Pride Library also relies on donations of books, materials, and volunteers' time to build its collections. Click here for details.